Our History
A concise history of Chinese Bible Church
Before 1952
1952 April
The late Dr. William Coltman, pastor of Highland Park Baptist Church had tried to reach the Chinese for years. He invited a Chinese Christian worker from New York, Mrs. Lewis, to come to the church's missionary conference in the previous year. On hearing her, Mrs. Ruth Loughead decided to do something, visited some Chinese ladies, and taught them English.
Helen Western (Gould) of Chinese Inland Mission, who could speak Cantonese, came to Highland Park's Missionary Conference, Dr. Coltman shared his burden. Together they decided to reach out. Regular prayer meetings were held. Later a Chinese Gospel Fellowship was formed to back up the effort.
Coming to Detroit to seek work the year before, Stephen Hsu visited some Chinese and started to have Bible studies with Raymond Yee (Leong). Frances Wu, George Lee, and Frank Newcomb joined later. About the same time, Mr. James Baine, the father of a Chinese Inland Missionary Elizabeth Saunders, had distributed gospel literature to many Chinese laundries and restaurants in Detroit. He often took a streetcar to the end of the line and walked back, giving out gospel tracts to every Chinese store on the way.
1954 February
Mrs. Nonnie Cook, according to her diary on Feb. 1, 1954, "Took Mrs. Margaret Hull to Helen Gould's cottage prayer meeting. Other churches represented - 15 ladies." Many had been faithfully praying for the Chinese in Detroit. This prayer backing was going strong for more than 20 years.
On Feb. 7, the first Sunday gathering of the Chinese was held at the Goulds' apartment with 17 people. Stanley Eng, a Christian who speaks Toi-shan came just in time to help. This was the beginning of the Chinese Bible Church.
After two weeks the meeting came to have 50 people, more than the apartment could hold. Detroit Bible Institute graciously allowed us to use their facilities at 17370 Meyers Road.
Through the efforts of the Goulds, Rev. Mrs. Calvin Lee came from Hong Kong to pastor the church in July. The Goulds also purchased 59 Webb before that, to serve a parsonage for the Chinese work.
In Stephen Hsu's Sunday School class were 8 students. All Yee's people (Yee was a common name for the Chinese in those days). The first church picnic was held at Belle Isle. Mother-daughter races, rope jumping, balloon toss..., great fun and good contacts with other Chinese.
Christmas program was conducted at old Chinatown (around Howard and Third). Noted evangelist-pastor Dr. Timothy Dzao preached. Sunday School students sang.
1955 February
1955 April
1955 June
The first baptismal service was held at Strathmore Judson Memorial Baptist Church. Seven were baptized by Rev. Lee.
Twelve children were dedicated during the Children Dedication Service on April 12 at Detroit Bible Institute.
The second baptismal service was held at Highland Park Baptist on June 12 for two men and five women.
Dr. Arthur Glasser of Overseas Missionary Fellowship (formerly China Inland Mission) came to visit former missionary Rev. Arthur Allen who was helping the church at that time. Upon Glasser's encouragement, two brothers went over to Wheaton College in the western suburb of Chicago and talked to the Chinese students there about an interchurch conference. Thus the annual MCBC (Midwest Chinese Bible Conference) was born.
Miss Mabel Lee came and helped with the work from June 1958 to April 1959. She did much Bible teaching and personal work.
1960 May
Rev. Wilson Wang was invited to be the pastor of the church. However, he was only able to stay for a year.
1961 April
TAAC (Teen-Agers for Christ) was organized. All first-round officers were "Yees".
The church brought 59 Webb from the Goulds who were going to Peru and later to Trinidad and South America to reach the Chinese there.
1962 July
First Daily Vacation Bible School was held at Detroit Bible College.
1963 June
Franklin Lee, son of Rev. Calvin Lee, upon graduation from Dallas Theological Seminary, returned to be the pastor of the church.
1966 Fall
The Faith Promise giving at MCBC this year stirred up St. Louis' Chinese Gospel Church, Chicago's Chinese Christian Union Church, and Detroit's CBC for missions. The first missions conference was held at CBC.

Church retreat at Spring Arbor, MI
Short term mission trip to Taiwan
Church retreat at Spring Arbor, MI
Parking lot expansion begins
Rev. Andrew Cheng becomes our Chinese pastor
Church retreat at Spring Arbor, MI
Short term misisons to Germany & Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Four new elders installed
Church retreat at Spring Arbor, MI
Short term missions to Brazil and Thunder Bay, Ontario
May 17 Three language worship services began
Short term mission trips to Brazil and Chicago, IL
Ordination service for Rev. Andrew Cheng
Church Retreat at Spring Arbor, MI
Short term mission trip to Brazil
Constitutional Amendments: term limits for the executive board; the role of the pastor changed to teaching elder
Ordination service for Rev. Bruce McCormick
Short term mission trip to Dubai
Elder Stephen Hsu retires
Church retreat at Hillsdale (Michindoh Conference Center)
Short term mission trip to Brazil
Church library reopens
Short term mission trip to Dubai
60th anniversary celebration
Church retreat at Hillsdale (Michindoh Conference Center)
Short term mission trip to Dubai
Mandarin congregation retreat at Colombiere Conference Retreat
Church wide retreat at Spring Arbor University
Cantonese congregation retreat at Noah’s Ark
Short term mission trip to Brazil
Church wide retreat at Spring Arbor University
Short term mission trip to Taiwan
Elder Happy Tang resumes active role in the Elder Board
Cantonese congregation retreat at Gull Lake Ministries
Short term mission trip to Dubai
Livestream worship started from April 5 th , 2020
Rev. David Shao was installed as to be our Mandarin pastor
Rev. Andrew Cheng retired
Church wide retreat at Spring Arbor University
Dearborn Community Outreach
Cantonese congregation retreat at Gull Lake Ministries
Mandarin congregation retreat at Colombiere Conference Retreat
Short term mission trip to Brazil
Pastor Joseph Lam was installed to be our Cantonese pastor
70th anniversary celebration
Dearborn Community Outreach
Short term mission trip to Germany
Elder Chad Zhang resumes active role in the Elder Board