How to Give
各 人 要 隨 本 心 所 酌 定 的 , 不 要 作 難 , 不 要 勉 強 , 因 為 捐 得 樂 意 的 人 是 神 所 喜 愛 的 。 神 能 將 各 樣 的 恩 惠 多 多 的 加 給 你 們 , 使 你 們 凡 事 常 常 充 足 , 能 多 行 各 樣 善 事 。 ~ 歌 林 多 後 書 9:7-8
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work. ~ 2 Corinthians 9:7-8
鼓勵會眾將奉獻支票(不要現金)郵寄給財務執事,也可以直接轉賬的方式奉獻,如還需細節問題,請聯絡麥牧師或宋 / 黃長老,或電郵: help@cbcdetroit.org。 **請註明是普通基金,宣教基金,建築基金或是慈惠基金的金額。如果沒有指 定任何基金,奉獻金將全數算入普通基金。
Checks should be mailed to the Financial Deacon's address. (Do not send cash!) Online offering via Zelle is also accepted. Please email help@cbcdetroit.org for more info on the above methods.
**Please mark your check or online transaction with the amount corresponding to each of the following categories: general fund, mission fund, building fund, or benevolent fund. The unmarked offering will automatically be credited to the general fund.
牧長們鼓勵每個 CBC 成員都有明確而堅定的事工方針及目標,識別及運用各人的恩賜,彼此服侍,積極參 與肢體生活和教會事工。請向牧長們查詢更多有關的信息。
The pastors and elders encouraged church members to identify and use their spiritual gifts to serve each other, and actively participate in the life and ministry of the church. Please contact elders and pastors if you would like to learn more about opportunities.